We hope you find this following information helpful about how our practice works.
You should make yourself familiar with our web app. Many things can be done for your health and wellbeing without calling the practice for an appointment.
You can access BarclayGo; our 5 minute consultation tool. This is for non urgent medical problems. Skin problems and blood test requests can also be accessed here.
You can order prescriptions, request ongoing sick line requests and do reviews of illnesses and medications on this platform.
Barclay Plus is our LARC service (where we fit implants or coils for contraception and menopause). Please book on this platform if wish a device to be fitted.
Remember pharmacies now provide lots of advice and can give medications for many problems eg coughs/colds/UTI etc.
Opticians deal with any eye problems.
Dentists deal with dental problems.
If you require an “on the day” appointment then you can call at 0830 to speak to a care advisor. They will ask some brief questions to direct you appropriately to the best service or make you a telephone or face to face appointment.
House calls are only for housebound patients who can’t travel to the surgery. If you can request these early in the day we can plan our visits and make better use of time.
NHS inform is a great resource to access medical information.
When we are closed (between 1800 and 0830 weekdays and all weekend) you can call NHS 24 (call 111) and speak to an advisor. This is for urgent care only. Only call 999 for emergencies.